Footsteps to Bethlehem


Advent time reflections

Barcode: 9781848679610

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  • Looking for a meaningful journey through Christmas?
  • These 49 reflections invite you to prayerfully respond over Advent
  • You’ll nourish your Christian walk through these reflections

Footsteps to Bethlehem is a series of 49 daily reflections for Advent, inviting you to journey towards Christmas on a pilgrimage of transformation.

Each day looks at the life of individual Bible characters, such as Mary and Joseph, Zechariah and Elizabeth, and reflects on how they coped with the major events of their lives. How did they respond when faced with the choice either to walk by faith, ever closer to God’s light or to retreat from his light and love.

That day’s reflection begins with comment on the chosen reading, followed by an invitation to consider two or three questions prayerfully and examine your own experiences of the Christian walk. A short prayer rounds off each reflection.


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