
Sacred Mundane : How to Find Freedom, Purpose, and Joy


Sacred Mundane : How to Find Freedom, Purpose, and Joy

What if the key to changing your life–and yourself–is already in your hand? What if breakthrough and extraordinary growth are waiting for you within the ordinary days you’re living right now? In Sacred Mundane, Kari Patterson pulls open the dusty blinds to let the light of truth shine in. Even the most unremarkable life is an opportunity to see, know, love, and be utterly transformed by a God who knows no bounds and who upsets every expectation. He eagerly awaits your invitation to fill your world with mundane miracles and holy habits. Through her entertaining narrative, candid real-life stories, Bible study, and practical instruction, Kari will take you by the hand to discover the beautiful sacredness in the life you already lead. If you long to grow in God and make a real difference in your world–no matter how small–Sacred Mundane contains everything you need to glean the truth hidden within your everyday existence. Dive in, and learn how to find freedom, purpose, and joy.

Barcode: 9780825444470

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Sacred Mundane : How to Find Freedom, Purpose, and Joy

What if the key to changing your life–and yourself–is already in your hand? So many women struggle with what to do with their daily lives. They feel trapped in everyday drudgery and disappointment, in dull domestic duties, and in mundane jobs they despise. Where is the abundant, purposeful life they were promised? Kari Patterson shows readers the truth: in each unremarkable life lies an opportunity to see, know, love, and be utterly transformed by a God who meets everyone right where they are. Instead of stepping away from real life to find God, Patterson equips women with a six-step practice to move further in and meet Him in the humdrum moments of everyday existence. And when a woman’s inner being is truly changed by the sacred, everything in her world changes too–right down to tackling the dirty dishes. Through entertaining narrative, candid real-life stories, Bible study, and practical instruction, Sacred Mundane guides individuals or small groups to discover the beautiful sacredness in the lives they already lead. Women who long to grow in God and make a real difference in the world–no matter how small–will reach eagerly for this book and the radical transformation it offers. “Our daily routine, with its mundane tasks and mindless repetition, is ultimately an offering of worship to God. What a great truth from a great God!”–Ann Byle, author of The Making of a Christian Bestseller and coauthor of Devotions for the Soul Surfer


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