Climate Crisis – The Challenge To The Church


The Challenge To The Church
by David Rhodes

How a prodigal church might save the planet…

This book points a way forward that could bring life and hope to the planet – and the Church.

Barcode: 9781838580810

1 in stock


Climate Crisis – The Challenge To The Church by David Rhodes:

The world is in a mess and that mess is getting worse. Climate change is rapidly destroying God’s creation. Our poorest neighbours are already suffering acutely but it will be our children and grandchildren who bear the full impact of the disaster.

If the Church rediscovered the real meaning of Jesus it could play a pivotal role in averting this catastrophe. Instead, it frets about its own survival and agonises over who is sleeping with whom.

The human race is staring into the abyss. Compared to the effects of climate change, nuclear war would be a stroll in the park. This book points a way forward that could bring life and hope to the planet – and the Church.



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