Darllen Yn Well: Sut I Helpu Rhywun A Dementia By Dr Michelle Hamill & Dr Martina McCarthy


Darllen Yn Well: Sut I Helpu Rhywun A Dementia By Dr Michelle Hamill & Dr Martina McCarthy

Barcode: 9781804164105

3 in stock


Darllen Yn Well: Sut I Helpu Rhywun A Dementia By Dr Michelle Hamill & Dr Martina McCarthy

Canllaw ymarferol, tosturiol a hynod gefnogol ar gyfer y rhai sy’n gofalu am berthnasau sy’n byw gyda dementia. Mae’r llyfr yn darparu canllawiau strategaeth ac ymatebion eglur i’r rhai sydd eu hangen.

This book provides insights and ideas to improve quality of life for both you and your loved one, drawing on the experiences of people who are caring for a person with dementia from our services. Through the book you will: understand dementia and the symptoms and behaviours that people with dementia can present with; learn communication skills and strategies that can help when caring for a person with dementia; and explore compassion-based care, develop resilience and improve your wellbeing. Whilst every situation is unique, this book will give you the confidence and advice you need to help you support your loved one.


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