Ferch A Dau Dad Y By Mel Elliott


Ferch A Dau Dad Y By Mel Elliott

Barcode: 9781802587098

1 in stock


Ferch A Dau Dad Y By Mel Elliott

Mae Nanw a Matilda yn ffrindiau gorau ac yn hoffi’r un pethau. Yn wahanol i Nanw, mae gan Matilda ddau dad.

Mae Nanw’n ysu am gael cwrdd â nhw, gan ddychmygu bod bywyd yn go wahanol yn nhŷ Matilda, ond daw i sylweddoli’n fuan fod cael dau dad yn union yr un fath â chael mam a thad!

Stori hyfryd sy’n dathlu cynwysoldeb.

Nanw and Matilda are best friends and love the same things. Matilda differs from Nanw in that she has two dads. Nanw wants to meet them, and imagines a very different life in Matilda’s home, but she quickly realises that having two dads is just like having a mum and dad! A warm story that celebrates inclusivity.


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