The Lion First Book of Parables


Barcode: 9780745964096

3 in stock


With text retold in a lively style with plenty of dialogue, these stories introduce young children to 20 parables in a way that can be easily understood. Bright illustrations full of colour accompany the stories to engage the interest of young children. The parables include: The Sower / The Hidden Treasure / The Finest Pearl in the World / The Mustard Seed / The Great Feast / The Lost Sheep / The Workers in the Vineyard / The Two Sons / The Cunning Servant / The Rich Man and Lazarus / The Two Men at the Temple / The Widow and the Judge / The Friend at Midnight / Building a Tower / The Unforgiving Servant / The Two House Builders / The Three Servants / Building Barns for a Bumper Harvest / A Tale of Two Servants / The Ten Bridesmaids


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