Sut dwi’n Teimlo: Dysga i Garu dy Deimladau


Barcode: 9781849674218

1 in stock


Addasiad Cymraeg Elin Meek o My Mixed Emotions, llyfr swynol a meddylgar yn llawn o gynghorion a thechnegau i gynorthwyo plant i adnabod ac i fynegi eu teimladau. Gall teimladau fod yn gymhleth, ac mae dysgu sut i’w mynegi yn sgil sydd angen ei feithrin.

This thoughtful, engaging book is packed with helpful hints, tips, and techniques for helping children learn to recognise and express their emotions. Feelings can be complicated, and learning to express them is a skill that must be developed. A Welsh adaptation by Elin Meek of Mixed Emotions.


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